June 7, 2024

During the holy month of Ramadan, we were delighted to host 8 charity iftars. Our goal was to provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere for those who may be away from their families during this sacred time, allowing them to experience the joy of breaking fast in the company of us as Rouh’s family. These iftars were held at Kovano Cafe, generously donated by the cafe owners who offered their space to help us organize these gatherings. Additionally, many restaurants and donors contributed by covering the costs of the meals, ensuring that every penny donated by our guests went directly towards supporting our orphan sponsorship program. Bringing people together in the spirit of Ramadan and for the noble cause of supporting orphans filled us with immense joy and gratitude. More than 100,000TL was raised over the course of these 8 iftars, with over 200 guests joining us in these memorable evenings of community and charity.

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